Assessments An assessment is an opportunity for us to gather information on your current emotional wellbeing. We understand this is a daunting exercise but we will guide you through this process at your own pace. This is necessary to inform the treatment process. If required, some area's covered are family background, education/employment, health, hobbies and interests. We will talking with you about your day to day routines. As part of this process with will identify with you thoughts and feelings.
Individual Therapy Following an initial assessment we will discuss with you the type of therapy that is best suited to treat your difficulties. This is guided by your personal set goals and we work in partnership with you in achieving them. Individual therapy is usually on a 1:1 basis, however at times we may include individuals if this is required. In the will initial stages of therapy we will discuss a therapy agreement that outlines more specific details of the process.
Family Support Living with mental health can have an impact on everyone involved. We believe that it is vital, where possible that families and support networks would benefit from some time with a therapist as well. Whether this is with the individual to be a co-therapist or a bit of extra support separately. Interventions with the support network can help to better understand and cope with the difficulties. At times we may recommend to invite siblings and parents into the sessions too but would only do this with the individuals say so.
Psychoeducation Psychoeducation is a therapeutic intervention to basically give you and your loved ones more of an understanding of your symptoms. It is offered to individuals and family members and looks at strategies to problem-solve and communication skills. We are also able to help build upon resources in an empathetic and supportive environment.