It is common for children to be highly active, especially at younger ages. In most cases this is normal behaviour that they will gradually grow out of it. However, for some there can be an underlying difficulty such as ADHD. Symptoms can include difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, restlessness, irritability and impulse control such as doing things without thinking through the consequences. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that refers to a pattern of behaviour that affects a child in most situations, it is evident from an early age and can be problematic into adolescence and adulthood. It is often more noticeable when a child starts school.


What can we do to help?

With the right support and intervention, people with ADHD can lead normal lives. From an initial consultation the main treatments options can entail:

  • Individual therapyCognitive Behavioural Therapy and developing Social Stories. This is able to target a young person’s social skills with peers and family, self control, listening skills, problem solving, expressing and managing feelings.
  • Parent support– Living with someone with ADHD can be exhausting as they are constantly on the go and avoid trouble. We aim to help parents and carers understand and manage their child’s behaviour and creating organisational skills to help reduce symptoms.
  • Education consultations– we are able to help support and advise the school on how best to support the young person and make adaptations to their environment if required.
  • Additional assessment to aid diagnosis-We are unable to give a diagnosis of ADHD as this is usually completed by a paediatrician or psychiatrist. However we are able to support and provide evidence for the diagnosis process. It is important to rule out other conditions that can look like ADHD. Assessments often involve developmental history, observations, standardised questionnaires and occupational therapy.